Women only Sunday Session suspended until 2025. Watch this space.
Women only Sunday Session suspended until 2025. Watch this space.
Check out this great video
An excellent turn out this year enabled us to run 3 teams. Lambeth North, South and West. Or Purple, Orange and Yellow for bib colour if you prefer.
Each team played 4 games with Lambeth Purple winning the tournament with 2 wins and 2 draws.
We all then had a great Christmas meal over at the Duke to finish off a great year for the club.
Roll on 2025.
Both Lambeth West and South performed well by getting through to the semi finals. Unfortunately both getting knocked out by Pimlico (eventual winners) and AFC Wimbledon.
Highlights Lambeth South winning in the Lambeth Derby 2-1.
Congratulations Lambeth West.
We are going to need a trophy cabinet.
Congratulations for winning the tournament and also winning the fair play trophy.
Winning on the pitch and winning in the bar afterwards.
Captain Mark picking up the Trophy.
Once again Football was the real winner!
A lovely day out visiting some of the finer drinking establishments in Brixton.
A Subbuteo tournament.
Lots of food and drink
Friendly Banter and Fun
Finishing of with watching
Champions League Final.
Both Lambeth West and South performed well by getting through to the semi finals. Unfortunately both getting knocked out by Pimlico (eventual winners) and AFC Wimbledon.
Highlights Lambeth South winning in the Lambeth Derby 2-1.
Congratulations Lambeth West.
We are going to need a trophy cabinet.
Congratulations for winning the tournament and also winning the fair play trophy.
Winning on the pitch and winning in the bar afterwards.
Captain Mark picking up the Trophy.
Once again Football was the real winner!
A lovely day out visiting some of the finer drinking establishments in Brixton.
A Subbuteo tournament.
Lots of food and drink
Friendly Banter and Fun
Finishing of with watching
Champions League Final.
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